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Considering Homeschooling: California Governor Renews Attack on the Traditional Family

Universal preschool bill hurts children and families by taking more moms out of homes and subjecting children to the negative impact of these little public schools.


Contact: Charles B. Lowers, Considering Homeschooling, 949-916-6816, [email protected]


MEDIA ADVISORY, Sept. 8 /Christian Newswire/ -- Considering Homeschooling (www.consideringhomeschooling.com) a national Christian homeschool recruitment group, decries today's signing of AB 172 into law by Governor Schwarzenegger.


"After the recent public outcry when the governor embraced the radical homosexual efforts to indoctrinate children by signing SB 1441, we hoped he might listen to the good families of California again as he did by vetoing SB 1437," said Charles B. Lowers, Executive Director of Considering Homeschooling.


"In June, California voters shouted a thunderous 'NO' to the universal preschool advocates. But that didn't stop the liberals in the legislature or the Governor from foisting AB 172 on us and stealing $50 million more dollars for this false cause -- studies have shown any academic gains from preschool are only temporary and that preschool can make children aggressive."


"The Hollywood elitists and ivory tower think tanks have it wrong. And sadly, most Christian families have it wrong. They want to replace moms, dads, and the family system designed by God with an institutional system of professional caretakers," says Lowers.


"Where are parents receiving encouragement to stay home and nurture their own infants? Many churches are in the preschool business and have inadvertently undermined the biblical responsibility of fathers to raise up their children in the Lord. If a family has been persuaded to keep their children home, it is more likely because they were influenced by Dr. Laura, than by the pulpit. Christian men need to take the headship of their homes, and not allow their children to be placed in daycare."


Considering Homeschooling urges Christian families to start homeschooling today. And, if your children are very young, start preschooling at home today.


Considering Homeschooling is a nationwide ministry -- started in Orange County, California by Charles and Kathy Lowers -- that focuses on introducing Christian parents of babies, toddlers and preschoolers to private, biblical homeschooling. The group urges families that can create a safe, loving, Christ-centered environment where a child can learn and thrive, to homeschool.