Contact: Martha Nolan, Crossroads, 301-467-9259, [email protected]
COLUMBUS, Ohio, July 27 /Christian Newswire/ -- A group of college students from around the country have spent the past 2 months in an extraordinary undertaking - walking across America.
The group, called Crossroads, is a national organization of student volunteers that was founded in 1995 to promote the dignity of all human life from conception until natural death. “We see every day what even polls and abortion-rights advocates have begun to concede – that the majority of Americans are pro-life,” said Megan Otten of St. Louis, a volunteer walking this summer. “Being pro-life can no longer be seriously characterized as a marginal belief.”
The groups have encountered hundreds of thousands of people on the trek, including roughly a quarter of a million in churches alone.
“Over the past 10 years, we have spoken directly to millions of people with the message that all human life is a gift and is sacred. We must all be open to every life,” said Crossroads National Director, Martha Nolan.
This summer, three walks, originating in Seattle, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, will cover over 10,000 miles and pass through 31 states before concluding together at the Capitol in Washington, DC on August 12.
“Much of the cultural and moral dialogue has spilled over into the political sphere, which is not our focus, frankly,” added Nolan. “If Roe v Wade were overturned tomorrow, the culture would still need countless years of healing. In the end, this is not a political matter, it is cultural and moral.”
For more information on Crossroads, please call (800) 353-8817.
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