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Broadcasters & Pastors: Promote Scriptures in Schools Week & Inspire Kids to Bring Bibles to Public Schools Sept 24-30

Bob Pawson, National Coordinator, Scriptures in Schools Project, 609-610-3522, [email protected]


TRENTON, NJ, Sept 6 /Christian Newswire/ -- Pastors, Youth Ministers, and Christian broadcasters across America are urged to promote participation in the ninth annual "Scriptures in Schools Week", by Christian students who attend public schools. Proclaim this nationwide Bible literacy event from your pulpits and microphones. Inspire America's Christian students (and teachers) to bring their Bibles to public school classrooms throughout SIS Week - and all year.


"Tote 'em and quote 'em," says Bob Pawson, SIS National Coordinator. "And use your Bibles in class. Engage in Academic Evangelism." A fully informative, church bulletin insert is available at www.bringyourbible.com.


Christian news services such as USARadio Network and United News & Information have taped interviews for their newscasts. Some stations are interviewing teenagers from local churches and establishing hyperlinks to the www.bringyourbible.com website (ex. WAFT, KHLL).


"Academic Evangelism", explains Pawson, a New Jersey public school teacher, "is sharing Biblical information in a scholarly manner. It's a creative, non-confrontational way of witnessing to your classmates by using Bibles as educational tools – in class. Some of your classmates will be curious because they’ve never seen a Bible in their entire lives. They come from un-churched or non-Christian homes. Some may ask to hold or borrow your Bible. The opportunity to share comes to you."


“Because ‘See You At The Pole’ falls on the Wednesday of SIS Week this year, America's 'Youth with the Truth' are bringing both PRAYER and SCRIPTURE to schools. SIS is based upon Isaiah 55:11 and seeks to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission by improving basic Biblical literacy and making the Bible a commonplace book in America's public schools once again.”


“Ironically, the only people keeping the Bible out of America’s public schools are… us Christians. All we have to do is bring them in: by the millions!”


Alliance Defense Fund has 900 lawyers on alert to instantly assist "any students whose rights are violated for bringing their Bibles to school". ADF's student and teachers’ rights memo is posted on www.bringyourbible.com. Bringing Bibles to public schools and using Bible references to complete assignments are protected by the Constitution and case law. There have been no legal problems in all nine years of SIS.