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Noted Creationist to Address Wichita State University -- Feeds On-Going Debate for Creation Being Taught in Public Schools

Contact: David Lehman, 316-650-4780, [email protected]; Jerry Bergman, [email protected]


WICHITA, Kansas, Aug. 9 /Christian Newswire/ -- Dr. Jerry Bergman will discuss the persecution of Darwin Skeptics on the college campuses nationwide.  He has written extensively on the subject and interviewed hundreds of professors who have been terminated, some for being suspected of not whole heartedly supporting macroevolution.  Many have been dismissed, not for anything they have done, but for who they are which is unconstitutional discrimination. 


Who: Dr. Jerry Bergman


When: Friday, August 18, 7 PM


Where: Wichita State University, Hubbard Hall, Room 208


Why: To discuss the persecution of Darwin Skeptics on the college campuses nationwide


In Dr. Bergman's book The Criterion he wrote (paraphrased) "Dr. David A. Warriner, formerly of East Lansing, Michigan, received his B.S. in Chemistry from Tulane and his Ph.D. from Cornell and was close to a second Ph.D..  He was invited to join the Natural Science Department at Michigan State in order to balance the evolutionists on the faculty. After four years, his department head suggested tenure.  Because he had openly opposed evolutionary naturalism, the Dean claimed that he had "damaged the image of science" for the university, and so was dismissed.  He was able to find a teaching job in a community college until he landed a position at a university.  This Cornell Ph.D. later experienced the same problem at Eastern Kentucky University and University of Southwestern Louisiana.  He has now resigned himself to the fact that, as an open Darwin Skeptic, it is all but impossible to find a teaching position."


In Dr. Bergman's latest book The Long War by Darwinists Against Darwin Skeptics he documents hundreds of cases of blatant discrimination.  This book has not yet been released.


According to Dr. Bergman, the issue in Kansas is not the age of the earth, but whether God had anything to do with Creation.  In some areas Teachers are not even allowed to suggest that God was involved in evolution.  Atheistic evolution is all that is allowed in some schools in Kansas.  John Calvert ([email protected]), who supports a theistic evolutionary position, has been heading up the Intelligent Design movement in Kansas.  Many in the Intelligent Design movement oppose the conclusion that evolution can explain everything and argue that God had something to do with the formation of the cell, for example, but still hold much of what evolutionary biologist's teach.


Dr. Bergman will also address issues such as the DNA sequencing in T-Rex bones which would be impossible if the bones were 65-80 million years old, as the orthodox evolutionists claim.  Using his extensive experience in forensics, he can show to date even an 80 year old bone can be difficult.   


Dr. Bergman will also address certain biological concerns which he believes refute the macro evolutionary model as being scientifically valid such as Why Mutations Cause Degeneration in Gnomes  He will also show why the Miller-Urey experiment does not support the evolution of the first cell and, and will address the so called biological "proofs" for macroevolution. 


Dr. Bergman has nine college degrees including two Ph.D.s, has over 700 publications including 20 books and monographs, and has presented over one hundred scientific papers at professional conferences in the United States, Canada, and Europe.  He has also served as a consultant for CBS News, ABC News, Reader's Digest, Amnesty International, several government agencies and for two noble laureates.  He is listed in Who's Who in America, Who's Who in the Midwest Who's Who in science and Who's Who in Science and Religion.


For more information from the group sponsoring the event contact David Lehman at [email protected] or 316-650-4780.  To contact Jerry Bergman write to [email protected]